PHPlot can draw these types of plots:
Bars (with optional shadows)
Linepoints (a faster way of plotting when you want both points and lines)
Points (lots of point types here)
Pie (2D or 3D)
Thinbarline (sometimes also called impulse)
Error bar (which can also be used for stock market data graphs)
Squared (steps)
You specify which type of plot you want with the SetPlotType function.
There are many ways we can change the look and feel of the graph. Almost every parameter of the graph, including ticks, grids, and data labels, can be adjusted using PHPlot functions. Here is a list of functions used to customize graphs. Each of these is described in detail in the reference material in PHPlot Function Reference.
SetBackgroundColor, SetBgImage, SetDataBorderColors, SetDataColors, SetDrawPlotAreaBackground, SetErrorBarColors, SetGridColor, SetImageBorderColor, SetImageBorderType, SetLightGridColor, SetPlotAreaBgImage, SetPlotBgColor, SetPlotBorderType, SetRGBArray, SetShading, SetTextColor, SetTickColor, SetTitleColor, SetTransparentColor
SetDefaultDashedStyle, SetDrawBrokenLines, SetErrorBarLineWidth, SetErrorBarShape, SetErrorBarSize, SetLineStyles, SetLineWidths, SetPointShapes, SetPointSizes
SetDefaultTTFont, SetFont, SetLineSpacing, SetTTFPath, SetUseTTF
SetDrawDashedGrid, SetDrawXGrid, SetDrawYGrid SetGridColor, SetLightGridColor,
SetLegend, SetLegendPixels, SetLegendWorld, SetTitle, SetXTitle, SetYTitle
SetLabelScalePosition, SetNumXTicks, SetNumYTicks, SetSkipBottomTick, SetSkipLeftTick, SetSkipRightTick, SetSkipTopTick, SetXTickCrossing, SetXTickIncrement, SetXTickLabelPos, SetXTickLength, SetXTickPos, SetYTickCrossing, SetYTickIncrement, SetYTickLabelPos, SetYTickLength, SetYTickPos
SetDrawXDataLabelLines, SetXAxisPosition, SetPrecisionX, SetPrecisionY, SetXDataLabelPos, SetXLabelAngle, SetXLabelType, SetXScaleType, SetXTimeFormat, SetYAxisPosition, SetYDataLabelPos, SetYLabelAngle, SetYLabelType, SetYScaleType, SetYTimeFormat