
SetPointSizes — Sets the point size for each data set




SetPointSizes assigns a point size to each data set in a plot. 'Point' here refers to the marker drawn at each data point in 'points' and 'linepoints' type plots. For example, if each data row contains 4 Y values, the first point size will be used for the first Y value, the second point size for the second Y value, etc.



An array of point sizes, or a single value. All values are in pixels. If a single value, that size is used for all data sets. If an array, the array values are the sizes for each subsequent data set in a plot.


If an array is used for $ps, it must use zero based sequential integer indexes. This is what the PHP manual calls 'the usual integer indices (starting from zero, increasing by one)'.

This applies only to 'points' and 'linepoints' plot types.

By default, the size array is (5, 5, 3). (PHPlot duplicates this and all settings arrays as many times as needed to handle all the supplied data sets.)