5.2. Example - Line Plot: Functions

This is a line plot showing the graph of sin(x) and cos(x). This uses quite a few of the PHPlot style control functions to tune the appearance of the plot.

Example 5.2. Line Plot: Functions

Line Plot Functions Example
# PHPlot Example: Line graph, 2 lines
require_once 'phplot.php';

# Generate data for:
#   Y1 = sin(x)
#   Y2 = cos(x)
$end = M_PI * 2.0;
$delta = $end / 20.0;
$data = array();
for ($x = 0; $x <= $end; $x += $delta)
  $data[] = array('', $x, sin($x), cos($x));

$plot = new PHPlot(800, 600);


# Main plot title:
$plot->SetTitle('Line Plot, Sin and Cos');

# Make a legend for the 2 functions:
$plot->SetLegend(array('sin(t)', 'cos(t)'));

# Select a plot area and force ticks to nice values:
$plot->SetPlotAreaWorld(0, -1, 6.8, 1);

# Even though the data labels are empty, with numeric formatting they
# will be output as zeros unless we turn them off:

$plot->SetXTickIncrement(M_PI / 8.0);


# Draw both grids:
